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The aim of the institution is to prepare boys and girls for the I.C.S.E. & I.S.C. examinations as well as to facilitate their all-round development by forming in them habits of virtue, discipline and self-sufficiency; to train them to become dutiful children of their parents and useful citizens of their Motherland, India.

“VIRTUS ET SAPIENTIA” (Virtue and Wisdom) is the school motto.


About the School

St. Xavier’s School, Siliguri, is a Christian Minority Educational Institution, recognized by the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions, Government of India (Vide F.No.1920 of 2006 dated 23rd February 2007) and Department of Education of the Government of West Bengal. It is under the management of Thuruthel Educational Social Cultural and Philanthropic Society. The institution is unaided and self-financing. The school is affiliated to the Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi, for I.C.S.E. (X) and I.S.C. (XII) examinations. The School reserves to itself the right to run the school according to its norms and ideologies.


System of Education

The system of education is the preventive system. It is based on conviction, prevention of faults, fraternal correction and fear of God. Preventive System of Education discourages corporal punishment. The medium of instruction is English. Hence, the students are to speak in English in the school campus, in the school bus and while wearing the school uniform. Hindi or Bengali is Compulsory subject as second language till Class X.

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